
Licensed in DK: 1. kl.x. w. 43 points
Mini Res. Champion
Licensed in Sweeden w. 40 points
2 x Classwinner + Mini Stallion Champion SWE
Stallions available for covering 2025

Bay Tobiano
Licensed in NL: 1. premie. Mini Champion.
3 x 43 points + Champion + Res. BIS + Best In Show SWE
Liscensed in SWE: 42 points, Best New Approved
Available: May 1st – September 1st
(Only accepting a few outside mares)

Licensed in DK: 1. kl.x. w. 43 points
Mini Res. Champion
Licensed in Sweeden w. 40 points
2 x Classwinner + Mini Stallion Champion SWE
Available: May 1st – September 1st

Smoky Black Dun
Liscensed in NL: 1. premie
Available: May 1st – September 1st
Covering Conditions
The stallions are available for healthy registered mares, under the following conditions.
– The mares and possible foals, will stay at the stud at the mare owners expense and risk.
– We retain the right to call the vet for the mare or foal, at the owners expense, if we find it necessary.
– The mares will be running with the stallion as a group, and we will do our best to secure a calm and harmonic group.
If a mare is not thriwing in the group, we can offer to cover her by hand.
– The mares will have to arrive without shoes, and if a mare has previously had a miscarriage or a difficult foaling, we can demand a bacterial culture before the mare can be covered.
– The price for covering is 3500 dkr (Fanity 4000 dkr), and this includes the covering certificate, and one month stay in grass paddock, with daily supervision, and access to water, saltlick. vitamins and minerals. Dicount is given with more mares, from same owner.
– The price of covering will be payable on delivery of the mare.
– If the mare needs extra feed, or needs to be stabled ect., additional fees will be added.
– The mares can be scanned at the owners expense, before leaving, if the owner so wishes.
Former Stallions

Licensed in DK: 1. kl.x. m. 45 point
Mini Champion + Overall Champion.
Licensed with 1. premie in Holland
3 x Champion + 2 x Res. BIS in SWE
Leased 2020-2021

Licensed in DK: 1.kl.x w. 44 point
Mini Champion + Overall Res. Champion
Leased: 2021

Licensed DK: 1 kl.x. m. 43 point. Mini Champion.
Overall Res. Champion.
Licensed in Sweeden w. 42 points.
2 x Champion in Sweeden.
Leased: 2017

Licensed in DK: 2. kl. B
Leased: 2015-2016

Bay Dun
Licensed in DK: 2. kl. A i DK
Licensed in Sweitzerland
Owned 2012-2015

Silver Black
Licensed in DK: 2. kl. B
Leased 2019

Mushroom Tobiano
Liscensed in NL: 2. premie
Liscensed in DK: 1.kl. w. 43 points
Owned: 2012-2023

Smoky Cream Tobiano
Liscensed in DK – 2.kl.B
Owned: 2018-2023