News 2025

Finally our new website is launched. 
It is still very much a work in progress, as it takes a of of time to recreate all the content from the old site, but I will be updating regularly, to try and catch up. 
If you experience any issues, please let me know. 


This year started like most others, with a trip to The Netherlands, to visit the big stallion show in Marienheem.
I flew down their with my friends, Annemette and Hans-Ola, and we met up with many of our other shetland pony friends. 
As usual we had a great trip, with lots of laughs, good food and many beautiful ponies. 
Hans-Ola had entered one of his stallions this year, Stellagårdens Kalex, and he ended up being the Best Newly Approved Stallion! 
This is the first time in many, many years, that title has befallen a stallion, not born in The Netherlands, and it was so lovely to be able to share this experience with Hans-Ola and Annemette. 
We were also excited to the the result for one of the other newly approved stallion. Rocky v.d. Ponydijk. 
Rocky is by Camilo v. ´t Haveld, who we have leased for 2 years, and his mother, Doprava v. Linquenda, is also the mother of our little Jamira v.d. Ponydijk. 
Rocky looked great, and moved beautifully, and got the coveted 1. premium. 


Not much happening this time of year.
The mares bellies are starting to grow, and the days are getting longer. 
Soon it will be springtime, and hopefully next month will see the first few foals arrive. 
We are looking foreward to more lovely Fanity foals, and the first foals from Camilo. 
You can see the mare x stallion combinations we are expectin foals from. under the Expected Foals tab. 
We will be updating it as the foals arrive. 


The foaling season did not start out great this year. 
Last Weekend Shady Acres Royal River, lost a beautiful mushroom dun colt, by Shady Acres Zephyr.
She gave birth 28 days early, and the foal was born in the bag. 
When I got him out, he still had a heartbeat, but was not breathing. I tried for 10 minutes to get him going, but finally his heart just stopped. 
Thankfully River is doing well, and was ready to leave her foal after just 2 days. 
The next mares due to foal is Mayflouwer Ester v.d. Toom, duedate today, and Jilly v.d. Rakkertjes, who is due in 2 weeks.
They haven’t really started bagging up yet, so could still be a while. 
The weather here has been dry and sunny. Now we are just waiting for it to warm up, so the grass can start growing. 
Hopefully I will have happier news next time.